Getting Ready for the 2023 Pool Season

To get ready for the 2023 swimming pool season, you can follow these simple but essential steps:

  1. Inspect the pool and equipment: Check the pool for leaks, cracks, or other signs of damage and repair as necessary. Ensure the pool pump, filter, heater, and other equipment are in good working order. Checking the equipment can be done when the pool owner or a pool contractor opens the pool.

  2. Clean the pool: Clean the pool thoroughly, including the tiles, walls, and floor, and remove any debris or buildup. Cleaning the pool and accessories is an excellent task for the beginning of the season and only takes a couple of hours. 

  3. Balance the water chemistry: Check the water's pH, chlorine, and other levels and adjust as needed to maintain safe and comfortable swimming conditions. Talk to your local pool contractor or supplier to ensure you have the water tested and get the chemicals necessary to balance everything. 

  4. Check safety features: Ensure the pool area is secure, with proper fencing and other safety measures, and inspect any safety equipment such as life jackets or pool covers—also an excellent opportunity to stock up on new accessories or pool toys.

  5. Stock up on supplies: Make sure you have all the necessary chemicals, cleaning supplies, and other pool accessories so you're ready to maintain the pool throughout the season.

  6. Organize pool activities: Plan fun and engaging activities for family and friends to enjoy during the swimming season.

Following these straightforward steps ensures a safe and enjoyable swimming pool experience for the summer season.


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